Saturday, December 31, 2005
Year : 2005
Recommend? Well, if you haven't done it by now, then you won't ever get the chance to do it again. Happy End-of-2005!
PS: Anyone know where I can download the trailer to 2006? I'd like to find a sneak-preview before it hits, and I'm running out of time....
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Book: Kangaroo Notebook
Recommend: The narrator snacks on himself throughout the story. His bed becomes his friend and follows him around like a dog or a horse. Of course I recommend.
Book: A Wild Sheep Chase
recommend: Man dressed as sheep. I say again, Man dressed as sheep.
Book: Money
Recommend: yeah, but it's not quite as inventive as Time's Arrow or Success.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Book: Success
Recommend: Yes. Not as stylistically sweet or funny as "Time's Arrow," but it was a really interesting, entertaining, and well written story. Also, both main characters are complete degenerates, and everyone loves reading about degenerates.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Movie : Sahara
Recommend? Actually, I do. I was expecting dumb fun, and it was delivered, complete with a boat chase and the most unlikely functioning cannon fight ever. Rock, MacConnaugheey.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Book: Time's Arrow
Recommend: Oh, hell yeah. Read it in four hours. This is the only book I can imagine that could get away with having a narrator talk about a pimp punching the black eye off a prostitute's face. Need I say more?
Book: Rouse up O Young Men of the New Age
Recommend: Really a great book (overall) and a fast read. Don't expect Murakami, but he's kind of on par with Kobo Abe.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Movie : Van Helsing
Recommend? I'm sure it's a fine movie.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Posts: This Post
Recommend: Not really. Kind of shallow, maybe a bit flat. Really, you should skip this post and save the time it takes to formulate the letters contained therein into coherent meaning if you haven't made it this far already.
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Music : Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
Recommend? I've had it on constant repeat for almost 24 hours now.
RPG : Dragon Quest VIII - Journey of the Cursed King
Recommend? Yes, the story line is simplistic(thus followable and engaging), the graphics look like a cartoon, and the world is huge. And you get to fight slimes, and metal slimes, and healslimes and...
Monday, December 5, 2005
Book: Maus

For those of you who don't know, Maus is a graphic novel about a graphic novelist writing a graphic novel about his Jewish father's experiences in WWII. The big twist is that all the Jews are portrayed as mice, the nazis as cats, the Polish are pigs, a la Animal Farm. Winner of the 1992 Pulitzer Prize - kind of shocking for a graphic novel, Maus is an insightful and unique portrayal of the events of the holocaust OUTSIDE the concentration camps, instead focusing on the Jews who survived in hiding a la a system much scarier than the underground railroad.
Recommend: Deep, unsettling, funny, well-drawn and well-told, I highly recommend Maus to anyone, particularly if you don't normally read graphic novels - not because it doesn't compare well to other graphic novels, but because it is a highly accessible piece that packs quite a punch. And besides, look at the cover. You've got to read something with a cover like that.