Saturday, December 31, 2005
Year : 2005
Recommend? Well, if you haven't done it by now, then you won't ever get the chance to do it again. Happy End-of-2005!
PS: Anyone know where I can download the trailer to 2006? I'd like to find a sneak-preview before it hits, and I'm running out of time....
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Book: Kangaroo Notebook
Recommend: The narrator snacks on himself throughout the story. His bed becomes his friend and follows him around like a dog or a horse. Of course I recommend.
Book: A Wild Sheep Chase
recommend: Man dressed as sheep. I say again, Man dressed as sheep.
Book: Money
Recommend: yeah, but it's not quite as inventive as Time's Arrow or Success.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Book: Success
Recommend: Yes. Not as stylistically sweet or funny as "Time's Arrow," but it was a really interesting, entertaining, and well written story. Also, both main characters are complete degenerates, and everyone loves reading about degenerates.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Movie : Sahara
Recommend? Actually, I do. I was expecting dumb fun, and it was delivered, complete with a boat chase and the most unlikely functioning cannon fight ever. Rock, MacConnaugheey.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Book: Time's Arrow
Recommend: Oh, hell yeah. Read it in four hours. This is the only book I can imagine that could get away with having a narrator talk about a pimp punching the black eye off a prostitute's face. Need I say more?
Book: Rouse up O Young Men of the New Age
Recommend: Really a great book (overall) and a fast read. Don't expect Murakami, but he's kind of on par with Kobo Abe.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Movie : Van Helsing
Recommend? I'm sure it's a fine movie.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Posts: This Post
Recommend: Not really. Kind of shallow, maybe a bit flat. Really, you should skip this post and save the time it takes to formulate the letters contained therein into coherent meaning if you haven't made it this far already.
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Music : Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
Recommend? I've had it on constant repeat for almost 24 hours now.
RPG : Dragon Quest VIII - Journey of the Cursed King
Recommend? Yes, the story line is simplistic(thus followable and engaging), the graphics look like a cartoon, and the world is huge. And you get to fight slimes, and metal slimes, and healslimes and...
Monday, December 5, 2005
Book: Maus

For those of you who don't know, Maus is a graphic novel about a graphic novelist writing a graphic novel about his Jewish father's experiences in WWII. The big twist is that all the Jews are portrayed as mice, the nazis as cats, the Polish are pigs, a la Animal Farm. Winner of the 1992 Pulitzer Prize - kind of shocking for a graphic novel, Maus is an insightful and unique portrayal of the events of the holocaust OUTSIDE the concentration camps, instead focusing on the Jews who survived in hiding a la a system much scarier than the underground railroad.
Recommend: Deep, unsettling, funny, well-drawn and well-told, I highly recommend Maus to anyone, particularly if you don't normally read graphic novels - not because it doesn't compare well to other graphic novels, but because it is a highly accessible piece that packs quite a punch. And besides, look at the cover. You've got to read something with a cover like that.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Arachnids: This Spider

This spider was large and mean looking. I believe it was a brown recluse. I met it a couple weeks ago in my mom's garage. I circled around the spider a couple of times, taking pictures. Several times it turned to face me, but it didn't do a very good job tracking my movements. I throw a mat on top of it and stomped it.
Recommend: If you like things that turn your flesh necrotic when they bite you, then yes by all means. In particular to this spider, it jumped about six inches in the air as the mat descended towards it, bouncing off the underside of the mat and landing directly beneath it. As far as final acts go, that one was pretty freaky so I give it a thumbs up since it managed to be creepier than your average spider.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Book : Wicked by Gregory Maguire

Recommend? Way better than the Pink Floyd thing!
Monday, November 21, 2005
Movie : Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

This is the best movie of the four, and even though tons of events from the book were left out, if you read the book two or more times, you shouldn't have a problem following the storyline.
Recommend? Great effects, funny parts, and evilness! This one will make six year olds cry for sure!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Video Games: Civilization IV
And its extremely addictive to do so, to discover all the beautiful perversions of the world's history that can be created. I've already spent immense amounts of time clicking at the computer, squashing cities and annihilating the wolves and bears that now populate the landscape. You never stop saying, "well I'll quite just after I build the Taj Mahal." There's always something to keep you playing just another turn, infinite excuses to shut down that part of your brain that manages your time and tells you that you need to sleep whether it be waiting to get that crucial technology or building some of the units and wonders you get from that technology or using those units or wonders to obliterate one of your opponents.
Recommend: If you like games that you play until you realize it is light outside.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Food: Golden Corral
A piece of fried chicken, a pork chop, a steak, some other steak with gravy, a piece of meatloaf, 2 servings of green beans, mashed potatoes with gravy, baked beans, corn, apple pie, apple cobbler, banana pudding, 2 cokes, and a cup of coffee.
Recommend: It was hard to walk afterwards!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Animals: Chihuahuas

A year and a half ago, I cursed chihuahuas and everything they stood for. I considered them to be yapping obstacles in the walkway of life, the type of blockade that just begs to be punted like footballs with legs into a basket full of sharks beset by bears.
However, after spending a significant amount of time with a chihuahua, I have learned that with proper raising they are little different than cats except that they don't use litter boxes and are willing to play little games of tug o war with you when they aren't curled up on a lap or in a cute little bed - see picture on the upper left.

Recommend: Look at the little face in both these shots. If you don't like what you see, than the chihuahua is not the breed of dogs for you and it is more than likely that you are not a member of the human species. If you are a member of the human species, than yes, I highly recommend.
Monday, November 7, 2005
Book : Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Recommend? It's a perfect book to read on the throne!
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Visitors : The Murf
Recommend? Yes! If you like to have fun and make music and live a long way away, then invite The Murf! Watch out for his halloween costumes, though. They're the scariest!
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Concert: Nine Inch Nails
So anyway, I went to Nine Inch Nails in Nashville on Halloween and man, it rocked. Queens of the Stone Age opened for them and they were one of the better opening acts that I've seen in a while - solid rocking, no more, no less. NIN put on a really kick ass visual show, playing the first song with transparent curtains all around the stage to hold a really dense cloud of smoke that they shot strobes, spotlights, and a huge assortment of multicolored lights through. Later in the set they lowered the curtain again and projected film onto it. That was neat, cuz you could still see the band through the curtain, but the images were on top of them. Otherwise, they played an extremely heavy and aggressive set that never let up on the energy. The guitarist kept doing these crazy ninja acrobatics with his guitar, leaping all over the place and swinging the guitar wildly but somehow never missing a note.
Also, they flung about twenty mics into the crowd. The roadies were pretty impressive. I figure less than a 3 second gap between a thrown mic or a flung mic stand before a new one was up. The set itself was sweet, consisting mostly of songs from their first 3 albums, but avoiding the singles. They played a bunch of sweet songs I wouldn't have expected like "Burn," (Natural Born Killers soundtrack, "Eraser" a cool building song that they used the projecter for, and "Reptile." Also, "Terrible Lie" kicked total ass, and they added an extra verse onto Closer. Most notable as a performance, though, was "Right Where it Belongs," the last track of the latest album.
Recommend: Hells yes, provided you like violently aggressive rocking while surrounded by people in costume.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
CD : Wolf Parade - "Apologies to the Queen Mary"
Recommend? Well, I'd recommend you check it out. I've been listening to it a lot for about a week and half. And I mean a lot. I bought some other CDs, but I keep taking them out and putting this one in. Also, it will give you huge pectoral muscles.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Movie: Aguirre: Wrath of God
Recommend: Spider monkeys. Lots, lots, and lots of spider monkeys.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Movie : Wedding Crashers
41% booooo-ring.
35% funny humor you would expect.
20% unfunny humor you would expect.
3% love story.
1% boobies.
Recommend? Rent. Or sneak in. Don't pay much money for it, anyway.
Movie : History of Violence
And then I saw it. Damn. At least I saw it in good company, cause... damn.
Is this an Oscar movie? NO.
Would this have been a good script for the next Steven Segal movie? ABSOLUTELY.
All the reviews hinted at this being a grand movie, but after a kind of neat first 10 minutes, I just couldn't see this movie as anything more than a B-grade action flick. I mean... the story, interesting, and it's not a HORRIBLE movie... just not what I was hoping it would be.
Recommend? Only if you want to picture Aragorn doing crazy sex scenes for the rest of your life.
Movie : Kung Fu Hustle
Two words: The Landlady.
Those of you who have seen it, nod your heads in agreement. Those who have not, stop reading and start renting.
Recommend? Definitely. And remember: even Kung Fu Masters can be gay.
Thursday, October 6, 2005
Movie : Serenity
Recommend? Yeah, I reckon I do. Pardner.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Hurricanes : Rita

Damn, is it just me, or do you think Hurricane's this year are looking mighty fine? Sure, they are evil and they are causing horrible destruction, turmoil, and pain...but you must admit they are also very beautiful constructs of nature.
Katrina was a perfect hurricane, but Rita is right up there as well. She's being more behaved, and looks like she won't hit land at anything more than a Category 2 or 3, but she earned the spot as the 3rd most intense hurricane of all-time in the gulf area just two nights ago. And that deserves something.
Recommend? If you live on the Texas shore: No. If you live in Tennessee: Two thumbs way up!!
Friday, September 16, 2005
Movie: Lord of War
recommend: one of those movies. there's a "message" at the end. but i liked the message that came right before the end better: 'evil prevails'. and this was a comedy!
Thursday, September 8, 2005
Famous Women : Greta Garbo

Okay, so, there was this Swedish lass by the name of Greta Lovisa Gustafson, who ended up being the most brilliantly beautiful woman of all time. Usually I cannot understand why all these teeny-bopper girls go nuts over some wimpy nerd like whoever that guy is who plays Legolas, but HOT DAMN was Greta Garbo something! I never felt mesmerized by an actress before seeing her in the silent film The Temptress (which I cannot find on DVD with the newly updated musical score!). Anyway, just had to say it: Greta Garbo is mighty appealing to the eyeball. I bet she assassinated people with her presence. I bet she did!!
Recommend? Too bad us fella's weren't born in 1905, or else maybe we would have had the chance of meeting Greta for sushi and cola.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Toys: Plush STDs
Recommend: You know, there's something really wrong somebody who thinks that its a good way to scare children about sex and STD's by making the STD's all soft and cuddly. Mixed messages anyone?
Monday, August 29, 2005
Movie : ??????
I rented this Korean Anime at Pedazo Chunk, the video store with all the imported DVDs. The cover looked cool, but it was all in Korean. I rented it, and it might have been called something like "Beautiful Girl Mari," but don't quote me on that because I'm not sure. Anyway, it was way weird. I mean, it was really weird. I'm still not sure what it was all about, but it looked neat and there was this furry girl that seemed to live on a mystical 200 foot tall dog. I'm thinking that I liked it.
Recommend? Yeah, I think so. If you see this movie--it's box has like, some green stuff that might be sort of like bamboo, and a kid, and this floating girl with what may be white fur all over her body instead of clothes--I'd suggest renting it if you like things that are really weird. Maybe surreal is the word.
Movie : Steam Boy
Recommend? Yes! This had some of the coolest animation I've ever seen. As Akira was a cut above back in the 90s, Steam Boy is a cut above today. Mindless fun, wicked sweet cartooning.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Book : Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Bah, I knew it! I mean, I second guessed and third guessed and fifth guessed myself a million times over, but I knew it! Deep down inside we all knew it.
Here is the sixth book of a series that I originally told myself I would never read and has ended up being my favorite series of all-time. The only thing that sucks is that I doubt I'll ever be so engrossed in such a stupidly wonderful story for the rest of my life.
Recommend? I will only say two things. First of all, the last book better be the last book. And second of all, the last book better be over 2000 pages long.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Games: Cell Phone Games
Recommend: Don't pigs not fly sailing through the moonlight and the clouds, only to spiral higher into the sky until they vanish betwixt the stars leaving little but a trail of glowing dust and a sad feeling of loss in the seat of mankind's belly?
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Things Coming Soon: Live Action Transformer Movie
Recommend: I think that everyone should become a live action mech and run for robot politics.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Movie : Oldboy
Recommend? Oh sweet lord yes yes yes.
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
movie: Persona
recommend: now i understand all that, um, idiom i've always seen satirized or imitated, where there are quick black-and-white shots of disturbing imagery, people alone in empty rooms shouting and crying, and long monologues about loneliness and emptiness accompanied by sex and/or blood and/or screaming.
Friday, August 5, 2005
Movie: The Jacket
Recommend: Yeah, if you like Jacob's Ladder-esque war veteran psychological thrillers with a touch of time travel thrown in.
Movie: Sahara
Recommend - good one to relax to. Look for depth, development, and meaning in the comic pages. You'll have better luck finding the meaning of life in Snoopy.
Book: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Recommend: If you do not read this book, you raise the likelyhood that someone will kill you.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Movie : Cosmos, War of the Planets
Recommend? Well, if you seek the truly awful, then yes. Oh yes.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Album : "Come On Feel the Illinoise" by Sufjan Stevens
she took us down to the edge of Decatur.
We saw the lion and the kangaroo take her
down to the river where they caught a wild alligator."
Recommend? Yes, it's even more expansive than Michigan! What state will be next? Yours?
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Drink: Half Gallon of Naked Juice
Recommend: Drink it until it hurts. It's a super food. The pain and vomitting are merely training for the true heights of fruit consumption humans are capable of ascending to.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Movie : Starchaser: The Legend Of Orin
Starchaser is a cartoon movie made in 1985 where a young boy with a sword that has a laser-like magic blade must crush and evil empire with the help of some saucy robots, a princess, and a fast-talking smuggler. A recipe for success? I think so. Especially for a dollar and IN 3-D! Man, talk about some 3-D.
This movie, though a star wars rip-off, raised some interesting philosophical questions. Did Jesus himself have a magic bladeless sword? This movie made me think he did.
Recommend? Yes, it had the line "I'm not a robot, I'm the robot," uttered by the villain when it was revealed that he was a robot.
Monday, July 4, 2005
Sunday, July 3, 2005
Movie: White Noise
Do I recommend: not really, but its also not bad if you like having fun that leaves you feeling vaguely disappointed. However. However.
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Movie: Alone in the Dark
Somehow, this movie manages to be so bad in so bad a way that you can't even Theater 3000 it. You never really know why anyone is doing what they're doing, and when you do, the reasons are totally idiotic.
The villain's motives don't make sense. You never know why he wants to carry out his evil plan, how he's doing it, or even what his evil plan is. You never really understand the hero's motives, or what his character's history is supposed to be (despite the time they put into developing it).
The rules of the movie don't make sense either. The creatures are supposed to be hurt by light, but when everyone's scared of the creatures escaping, they have to go through a room lit bright as a tanning bed.
Finally, the acting is hideous. Christian Slater, Stephen Dorff (who never should have acted after The Gate - on of the finest bad horror movies of the 80s), and whoever that women was should be shot in the face. Then their heads should be reconstructed with glow, clothespins and tape, and then they should be shot in the face again. And it's not so bad its funny. It's not even bad in the Ed Wood way. It's tedious and unpleaseant.
Do I recommend: Oh yeah, and why don't you get some spider bites and an enema to make it twice as fun.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Movie : Musa
Recommend? Yes, see neck-shots, decapitation, and babe-princesses.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Activity: Buying Fireworks
But, you know, as much as I enjoy a good detonation or two, an explosion here and an explosion there, the actual blowing stuff up is just not quite as good as wandering through those fireworks aisles, looking at all those gunpowder stuffed goodies, and wondering precisely which way I want to blow something up. Do I want to blow up that apple with black cats or thundercrackers? Should I launch bottle rockets or saturn missiles at the birds? Literally hundreds of ways to destroy things are layed out on the shelves, and the rest is just the work of the imagination. Pick anything. Combine anything.
Do I recommend? All I say is this: Blowing stuff up out of pointless patriotism is the right our founding father's died for, so we'd damn well better honor their memories and the infinite possibilities for harmless destruction.
recommend: if you like to see people torn into small pieces and then eaten, in color close-up, by dead people, this is by far the best movie for you to go see right now. i've seen revenge of the sith three times now, and not once was someone eaten by a zombie. also, this zombie movie has Dennis Hopper.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Movie : Blade
Recommend: Yes! Especially if you want to know the reasons why some studio funded Blade: Trinity.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Movie : The Devil's Backbone
Recommend? Clearly, I do.
Internet Dialect : l33t5p34k
Recommend? 0n1y !ph J00 r011 MMP()RP6z.
Music: System of a Down: Mesmerize
Yeah, they've still got political lyrics that occasionally sound really damn cool, but for the most part, on Mesmerize they're kind of like Rage Against the Machine yelling about the endangerment of subarctic manitees. And man, the repetition is just annoying at times, and not in the cool way like They Might Be Giant's Whistling in the Dark.
Furthermore, the changes are abrupt, but they're so regularly abrupt that they're not abrasive anymore. SOD is supposed to hurt at times while you listen to it because you turned it up for the cool quiet part and didn't turn it down as the guitar slammed back in. Instead, you kind of think, the loud part is about to happen. Then it does. But it just doesnt seem as loud.
Recommend: Yes if you want something generically on the edge.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Movie : Blade: Trinity
The Bad: Triple H as a vampire, Dracula as played by some hammerhead looking dude, Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel as action stars, and a techno-light-saber-bow-thingy made from concentrated UV light to slice thru vampires, yet was only used maybe twice.
The Good: laughing @ Triple H as a vampire, Dracula as played by some hammerhead looking dude, Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel as action stars, and a techno-light-saber-bow-thingy made from concentrated UV light to slice thru vampires, yet was only used maybe twice.
The scene with the dead blind girl should have won an Oscar.
Recommend? HELL YEAH! This movie sucks so much it rocks.
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Tool: Non-flammable compressed gas duster
Do I recommend? Oh, yeah I recommend. Doesn't clean so great, but man, it's air in a can.
Thursday, June 2, 2005
One Star For Traffic
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Beer : Arrogant Bastard Ale
Recommend? Hells yeah. But it's not for beer-sissies. No sir.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Movie : Revenge of the Sith
I was totally grabbed at the beginning, then I wasn't too sure for awhile, but when everybody started getting killed, I was really into it. Man! What action and effects!
The ending was genius! Perfect set up! I wanted to go home and watch episode four right then! (but I only have it on tape, perhaps a DVD purchase is in order? Lucas wins!)
Recommend? Yeah, I do. It wasn't the best. Or the second best. But if you skip some of the middle, and every scene with only Padme and Ani, then it might have a shot at a tie for third best with "...Jedi" But man! Was it ever better than Eps I and II! By a lot!
Monday, May 23, 2005
Meal : Pizza, Hot Wings, and Beer.
Recommend? YES! It's way manly, pizza and beer, and good ladies dig it too! Throw in a fast puzzle game and a Japanese movie, and you have it made.
Movie : Revenge of the Sith
First of all, the creativity/graphics/layout of the movie was probably the most cutting edge stuff I've seen since the original Matrix movies. The opening scene of the movie with the jedi ships cruising around the ... well, let's just say it was amazing. The depth of all the action was mindboggling. My eyes were wide (like this: OO.
I liked the story. I liked the acting (yup, I did). I believed in the conflict between Anakin and Obi-wan. I won't spoil, but I will say I got a bit teary eyed in the last half hour of the movie. It's a sad movie! Anakin was supposed to be the chosen one! And it's a brutal movie! Poor, poor jedi. Also, Revenge of the Sith makes all the other Star Wars movies better. Lucas gave us a perfect fit. I watched the first hour of A New Hope after seeing Episode III, and it was so much better! Amazing.
I must give one strong hint to anyone who hasn't seen this movie yet: FIND AND WATCH THE CARTOON NETWORK CLONE WARS series before watching the movie! It leads DIRECTLY into Revenge of the Sith, and helps it make more sense. Why is General Grevious aparently wounded, for example? Find out in the cartoon!
Recommend? YES. Even if you don't like Star Wars, this is an awesome Sci-fi action blockbuster adventure movie. And if you do like Star Wars, this is probably the best of them all.
Movie : Life Aquatic
Recommend? Of course! I bought this movie, and you should too.
Book : The Amber Spyglass by Phillip Pullman
I can't see how this was supposed to be a childrens book. What part of this book is for children? No part. Except maybe the daemons. Those were kinda cute. Maybe Iorek. Maybe.
Recommend? YES. Read the whole trilogy, and then explain it to me.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Movie : Revenge of the Sith
Okay. It was pretty good, I thought. Pretty good! The dialogue is all pretty cheesy, the actors are bad, but it all sort of makes sense now. Amazingly, in retrospect, the first two (meaning Episodes 1 and 2) seem better now that I've seen this one. Everything seems to make sense. And it all leads, totally, perfectly, right into the very first movie (meaning Episode IV), even though there's another 20 years of dead time in between.
Recommend: It's goofy and there are lots of retarded bits, but overall, I'd rank its good moments up there with the best from the original movies (meaning IV V & VI). There you go.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Book : Kafka on the Shore, by Haruki Murakami
Recommend? Yes! Murakami is cooler than me, and I must. Also, I recommend (even more so) Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. But this one is also good. So is A Wild Sheep Chase and Norwegian Wood. He's a smooth Japanese cat.
Book : Bone - One Volume Edition
High adventure? Check.
Pretty pictures? Check.
Memorable characters? Check, check, check, check check...
Humor? Double-check.
Hiijinks? Oh yeah.
Epic fantasy scope? Yep.
World-threatening struggle? You betcha.
Dragons, talking bugs, and hard-punching old ladies? Check.
Cow racing and swindling galore? Check.
The best of everything ever? Check-yo-mama.
Recommend? YES. Go to a bookstore, grab a copy. Read it for an hour or so to make sure it's sweet, since it is 40 dollars, and then buy it.
Movie : National Treasure
Recommend? Yes. With some melted cheese and a little spicy brown mustard.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Single : Beverly Hills - Weezer
Recommend? Um, I guess if you like being bored. Or you're trying to learn to play F, B-flat, F, B-flat, F, C over and over at a mid-tempo rock, then I highly recommend this song. Or if you're a zombie. Otherwise, listen to the first two Weezer albums because they're still good, and a startling testament to how you can have it for awhile, and then apparently lose all your talent. (When the Weezer Album comes out on May 10th, buy the new Spoon ablum, which comes out the same day and will be AWESOME. It's called "Gimme Fiction" Curiously, the Weezer album is called "Make Believe." How strange and similar, topically.)
Monday, April 25, 2005
Movie : Sin City
I mean, COME ON! If I had to make a list of the top 100 best things you could put in a movie, I think they'd all be found in this one!
Too bad it didn't have a young man who was an animal-clawed ninja-cannibal soul-sucking religious serial-killer in it....
Oh wait, it DID!
Recommend? OF COURSE!!!
Review Months : April, 2005
Recommend? Well, you may want to hold off until May, when I'm sure the reviews will be plentiful and... plentiful.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Movie: The Dreamers
Recommend: Also, they speak in French about half the time. Don't worry, there are subtitles.
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Movie : Kikoku
Recommend? Yes! Yakuza! Shooting! Food!
Movie : Once Upon A Time In Mexico
Director Robert Rodriguez took this film all over the place. I am estimating at least three viewings to fully get what he was trying to accomplish. I think Desperado was better, just because it had a simpler plot: Revenge. This movie had ten plots. Maybe twelve. Half a dozen too many, at the least.
Recommend? YES! When will they learn that you can't hit a Mariachi with bullets?!
Friday, April 1, 2005
Movie : Desperado
Wait, throwing knives will hit him every time... but not guns!
Recommend? HECK YES! I'm going to watch the sequel right now!
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Music CD : LCD Soundsystem - Self Titled
Recommend? Only if you like way cool music can I recommend this. Otherwise, avoid it like the plague: you'll hate it.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Anime : Cowboy Bebop
The basics of the show: take a gangly group of down-on-their-luck bounty hunters, and see if they can ever get enough money to buy food. Add excellent music, great action, characters that grab your guts and squeeze them, and "bang."
See you, Space Cowboy....
Recommend? If you can only pick one anime to ever watch in your lifetime, you better make it this one. It's the grits, baby.
Movie : Ring 2
I remember watching The Ring One in a crowded theatre with two of my best girlfriends. We sat gingerly in our seats, not really knowing what to expect. Ten minutes into the film, when the camera suddenly cuts to the shot of the teenager in the closet with her mouth hanging open, I knew this was not your normal horror flick. When the movie was over and I pried my frozen body out of the theatre seat, I drove home alone and lay in my empty apartment, imagining dripping hair and gray skin.
Fast forward.
I was cajoled, enticed, threatened, and otherwise demanded to see the Ring Two. I knew what was in store, and I made a few, not too unreasonable, requests. Such demands being met, I found myself with no other choice but to sit down, dig in, and weather the storm.
What ended up happening was that I watched 95% of the movie through my hands. I saw shoulders, cracked doors, some water, and every now and then I would forget to put my hands up and a creaking cracking crawling girl would enter my frame. After the movie was done, and I was sufficiently convinced that the Ring Girl would never leave her well again, I drove home, turned on the Sound of Music, read a SciFi novel, and fell asleep peacefully.
All that to say, Ring One was insanely scary and gave me insomnia for a month.
Ring Two? cake.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Movie : Bride and Prejudice
Recommend? Yes! Definitely! Pay to see this or buy the DVD right now! You'll laugh a whole lot! Watch it with everyone you know! Quick!
Movie : The Ring Two
But, I will say this: the long drive home after the movie was really freaky!
Recommend? If you are the type of person who covers your eyes during scary movies, then you may like this movie! But, if you are the type of person who watches movies all the way through, then you may want to wait for it on DVD.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Movie : M
Recommend: There's no music during the non-German-speaking parts, which makes it all even creepier.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Movie : The Incredibles
Wait, wait... get this: the movie was... are you ready.... Incredible!
MWAHAHAHA!!! Oh man, that was AWESOME!
Recommend? YES, very much so. Whew....
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Movie : Robots
Recommend? Yes. It made me laugh, and it had some cleverness to it.
Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Cover Song : Motley Crue - Helter Skelter
Did you listen to this song before you recorded it? Because you got the lyrics in the second line wrong. Know how I know? I have the CD. It has a book in it with the words to all of the songs, and I looked at them. Plus, Paul McCartney isn't that hard to understand.
Do you think of yourself as a hard rock or metal band? Cause if you guys are hard rock, then the Beatles were Scandinavian Death Speed Metal. McCartney screams more and harder, and Lennon shouts at the end of the track that he has blisters on his fingers. What happened at the end of the Crue recording session for this song? Did you gently apply baby powder to each other's bottoms? If this is the devil's music, hell is full of little old ladies who are asleep and you pansies.
Recommend? Yes! Oh man do I ever. Download it illegally right now and slam your long curly hair into the pile of poop I left on your floor. Go suck on a fish.
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Movie : Flight of the Phoenix
Recommend? Jeez, folks, this is tough one. This isn't a horrible movie, but I would have trouble sleeping at night if I told you to go rent it. Just flip a coin, and don't blame me.
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Movie : The Crime of Padre Amaro
This movie should be renamed "Padre Amaro: Worst Priest Ever, Along with his Boss, The Other Worst Priest." This movie is about a young idealistic priest in Mexico who comes to a new diocese which is corrupt. He uncovers corruption, and then gets a girl who looks to be about 15 pregnant. Then he coerces her into getting an abortion, and she bleeds to death in his truck. Then he blames it all on her ex-boyfriend. While watching the movie, I thought it was pretty lame, but now that I've summarized it, I realize it was badass. The new title should be "Padre Amaro: One Badass Priest Who's Stepping Out on the Hos."
Reccomend? Well maybe so! But then again, maybe not.
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Movie : Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Ten thumbs up. This movie may be the best impulse movie buy of my career. Three cheers for reminding me of what living alone feels like!
Recommend? YES. Plain and simple. This is a great movie, through and through.
Monday, February 28, 2005
Movie : Constantine
And I liked Gabriel! He/she/it rocked!
Recommend? Yup. It's a great way to pass a cold Monday evening.
Friday, February 25, 2005
PC Game : Half Life 2
Recommend? YES! See review above.
(If your computer can't play this game, quickly sell your semen and/or eggs and build a new computer.)
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Movie : The Passion of the Christ
Recommend? YES. But please remember this is a MOVIE, and don't start persecutin' after you watch it, yo.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Book : The Subtle Knife by Phillip Pullman
Word, Will. Word.
Strange, but fun, exciting, and awesome too.
Recommend? YES. Up to this point, this trilogy is shaping up to be something pretty spectacular.
Monday, February 21, 2005
Movie : Dawn of the Dead (New Version)
Recommend? Yes. Depending on whether or not you like fire, zombies, or guns, you may or may not like this movie.
Friday, February 18, 2005
Album : The Postal Service : Give Up
Recommend? YES. It's much better than cauliflower.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Month : February
Recommend? NO. Save up your money for an April or May. If you really must get a February, I suggest trying to get one down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Service : Blogger Invitation System
Recommend: Yes, I am able to post on this blog now.
Movie : A Knight's Tale
Recommend? NO. Unless you are a girl, and then you will probably love it and make all kinds of girlish cootie noises over Heath Ledger on a horse.
Book : Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Recommend? YES. I'll buy you a copy if I have to.
Video Game : The Legend of Zelda : The Minish Cap
Recommend? SURE, but I can't vouch for the ending.
Book : The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
Recommend? VERY MUCH YES. It is the beginning of a fun trilogy.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Movie : Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Recommend? YES. If you think Gwyneth Paltrow is a babe. Or if you think Jude Law is a babe. Or if you like robots and dinosaurs!
Album : Green Day : American Idiot
I liked it pretty good the first time I listened to it, and I liked it even more the second time I listened to it. Nifty, huh?
Recommend? YES. If you don't mind Green Day not being punk anymore. Which I don't.