This spider was large and mean looking. I believe it was a brown recluse. I met it a couple weeks ago in my mom's garage. I circled around the spider a couple of times, taking pictures. Several times it turned to face me, but it didn't do a very good job tracking my movements. I throw a mat on top of it and stomped it.
Recommend: If you like things that turn your flesh necrotic when they bite you, then yes by all means. In particular to this spider, it jumped about six inches in the air as the mat descended towards it, bouncing off the underside of the mat and landing directly beneath it. As far as final acts go, that one was pretty freaky so I give it a thumbs up since it managed to be creepier than your average spider.
I do not like that spider, but I admire the spookiness of its final act before its death.
creepy crawlies i dont care for... that final act sounded odd like the spiders out of arachnaphobia...
i think what you have there is a giant house spider. i don't think recluses can jump. michael and i discussed this. that spider probably has starving babies at home wondering when their mommy will return..
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