Thursday, March 17, 2005

Movie : M

German movie from 1931. Peter Lorre, a creepy little chubby guy, is a serial child murderer, and a whole town goes crazy trying to capture him. Lots of yelling, and speechifying, and wailing, all in German. There were subtitles, though. That way, we could understand what they were all saying. The police get all military about things, impose curfews etc., and the underworld gets irritated and decides to track him down themselves. This was the director-guy's first movie with sound.

Recommend: There's no music during the non-German-speaking parts, which makes it all even creepier.


Murf said...

Sounds like a winner! Except...where the heck to you find a German movie from 1931?

Andrew said...

Es kam durch Netflix!

Murf said...

Netflix! Aber selbstverständlich! An warum die Hölle habe ich das nicht gedacht?