Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Toys: Plush STDs

The big struggle this year for parents is whether or not they want to get their kids crabs or syphillis for Christmas. Apparently, some family oriented group affiliated with some church has begun marketing a line of plush likenesses of magnified STD's. The whole collection is here - AIDS, the clap, herpes, and much much more, truly a gift that keeps on giving.

Recommend: You know, there's something really wrong somebody who thinks that its a good way to scare children about sex and STD's by making the STD's all soft and cuddly. Mixed messages anyone?


Michael said...

What's all this blog marketing crap? Seven anonymous, nearly identical comments, all saying something like, "Nice blog, go to my blog and/or site."

I think I will make it a point to not visit any of those sites. Geez. Try making a comment ABOUT THE POST at least. These comments are just cluttering up space where lively discussion could go.

Michael said...

Hey, did you delete them? How can you do that? Is that an option in the dashboard somewhere? Whoa!

Murf said...

I deleted them, alright! Our comment viewers shouldn't have to be held subject to the likes of comment-bot comments! I don't know how I have access... I will try to hook up everyone with the same access I do to do this. Goop.

Travis Payne said...

hey guys how is everyone good i hope. well plush stds are they life size and fully functional that would be...?
yeah i noticed that on my site and jens site too them spamin gits. i invoke shinanigans upon them

Andrew said...

wow. aha. oh.

Andrew said...

i just realized that when i want to go see this webpage, 'totallyvaguereviews.blogspot.com', i just type "tot", and press the down key, and here i am. i thought that was interesting, you know, because TOT means DEAD in German. i don't know what to make of this.

Michael said...

Frankly, neither do I.

(I wanted to put an obscene sentence here, but couldn't finish it. What can I do with the phrase "Like my hot ______."? I feel inept at making a dirty joke in this comment.)

Andrew Najberg said...

how about my hot small intestine? My hot liver? My hot cerebral cortex? My hot expulsion of methane based gasses in inappropriate situations?