Okay, so, there was this Swedish lass by the name of Greta Lovisa Gustafson, who ended up being the most brilliantly beautiful woman of all time. Usually I cannot understand why all these teeny-bopper girls go nuts over some wimpy nerd like whoever that guy is who plays Legolas, but HOT DAMN was Greta Garbo something! I never felt mesmerized by an actress before seeing her in the silent film The Temptress (which I cannot find on DVD with the newly updated musical score!). Anyway, just had to say it: Greta Garbo is mighty appealing to the eyeball. I bet she assassinated people with her presence. I bet she did!!
Recommend? Too bad us fella's weren't born in 1905, or else maybe we would have had the chance of meeting Greta for sushi and cola.
Yeah, too bad and stuff. But a lot of them old timey babes were quite babe-alicious. I mean, they don't make 'em like that any more. There are many people to rape--err, seduce-- when I get a time machine.
yeah their were alot of fine maiden in the old times that were the prototypes for some classy lassies of the future an on.....
Hey, and those were the days where 'cola' was truthfully prefixed by 'coca'.
Mmmm...addictive soda...
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