Friday, January 6, 2006

TV Series : Firefly

I bought the complete Firefly season on DVD for myself as a Christmas gift. I did this after watching only three episodes over Halloween weekend at Michael and Maggie's place. Since this series purchase, I have yet to watch a single episode because everyone I know around here keeps borrowing it. I believe it's been borrowed by FIVE different people already. And it's only been about ten days since the purchase. There are FOURTEEN episodes of Firefly, and I believe they are each at least an hour long, so everyone borrowing this set from me averages only two days per complete series viewing. Or, they are averaging 7 hours a day watching this series.

Pretty impressive statistics, if you ask me.

Recommend? Well, OBVIOUSLY, since you are at this very moment probably watching my copy of Firefly!! Give it back, already!


Michael said...

Hey! We're watching our own copy here, thankyouverymuch.

But, yes.

Andrew said...

since christmas (thank your margaret and michael for MY copy) the ONLY television I've watched has been nightly/morningly episodes of firefly! hooray!