Sunday, February 5, 2006

Chest Infections: Mine

This is really starting to get annoying. I'm feeling a lot better now, the fever broke and seems to be gone for good since some time between Friday night and Saturday Morning, but I'm still coughing up balls of green gunk. Seriously. I'm done with it. I hate being sick, and I've been sick since last friggin Sunday. Not to mention that my voice has been shot to hell and I've got to teach tomorrow with my voice dying on me every five minutes like it did on Friday.

Recommend: As illnesses go, its pretty good for the bitching about it factor but as for as the feeling like suck portion goes this ones not at the top of my list.


Michael said...

maybe you should stop smoking

Andrew said...

"chest infections
not much fun,
though i've never had one.
but in high school
i was sick
maybe it was bronchitis.
if not for that
i would have had
perfect attendance."