10.) The President, CTU agents, their friends and families, all look fantastic and alert at the end of a 24 hour day (although maybe a bit more bloody).
9.) If you are a main character, you are likely to die.
8.) If you are about to shoot a main character, you are likely to be shot in the nick of time by someone unexpected.
7.) Civilians and terrorists tend to drive the same make of car.
6.) If you make Jack swear to protect you, you've just entered the last 60 minutes of your life.
5.) If you don't think Jack will do it, he will.
4.) If you look like a good guy, you are probably a bad guy.
3.) If you look like a bad guy, you are probably just a frustrated CTU agent.
2.) Travel between cities and countries takes about 30 minutes, regardless of locations.
1.) If Jack wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead.
Recommend? Yes! Lots of intensity. I suggesting taking a break once in awhile to do some deep breathing exercises and/or yoga.
I haven't seen any of this show. Hmm... I like spooky pants though, and sharpened sticks. So, you know...
i remember years ago seeing the very first episode of this show and thinking 'this might be alright'.
i don't know what's happened since then... but i haven't seen any more 24 episodes. hm...
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