Saturday, August 8, 2015

Movie: Star Trek films 1 through 6

The first one takes it's time.  Take a long, good look at that Enterprise, baby.  But compared to the original series, once re-watched in their entirety, the first one is good.
The second one is classic.  Did you know Chekhov really didn't do much of anything in the original series?  But he has a part in this movie!  That's nice.
The third one has no music playing during the last dramatic conflict.  Why not?
The fourth one gives us "Double dumb-ass on you."  Spock is now new Spock and not old Spock.  Fun movie.
The fifth one is like WHAAAT?  I kind of feel like nothing really happened in this movie.  I recommend it for the camping scenes.
The sixth one goes detective, and it works well. Everyone gets to be pretty cool at least once.

Of course I recommend them!

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