A year and a half ago, I cursed chihuahuas and everything they stood for. I considered them to be yapping obstacles in the walkway of life, the type of blockade that just begs to be punted like footballs with legs into a basket full of sharks beset by bears.
However, after spending a significant amount of time with a chihuahua, I have learned that with proper raising they are little different than cats except that they don't use litter boxes and are willing to play little games of tug o war with you when they aren't curled up on a lap or in a cute little bed - see picture on the upper left.

Recommend: Look at the little face in both these shots. If you don't like what you see, than the chihuahua is not the breed of dogs for you and it is more than likely that you are not a member of the human species. If you are a member of the human species, than yes, I highly recommend.
i can't help it, i just don't like talking dogs. it's unnatural. maybe i'm old fashioned.
You used "than" instead of "then." I hate you and the words. Just for that, I will hate chihoo-ah-hoo-ahs as well.
Michael comes and flames it 2 teh maxx.
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