Thursday, July 31, 2008

Magazines : Girls and Corpses

Please, do not ask me how I came across this. I think it's fake. I'm 99.5% sure that this is fake. I mean, the magazine is real. It's very real. But I think the content is fake. I mean, I think it is fake. I want it to be fake. I want it VERY BADLY to be fake. And I think it's fake.

But... there is 0.5% of me... nah, surely it's fake! Surely?

Recommend? Help me!

Candy : Chocolate Skittles

More like Barfolate Skittles. Can I get some more chemically chocolate flavor, por favor???

Recommend: Only if you are in a serious candy pinch.

Movie : Dark Knight

I heard this movie was supposed to be good, but it was better than I even expected. And since they got rid of Mrs. Tom Cruise, EVERY actor... EVERY character was very well done. I've been thinking about the Joker all last night and all day today actually. That guy has gotten to me.

Recommend? Yes. I need to see it again.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Movie : Brokeback Mountain

This movie will make even the straightest of dudes wish, even for just a moment, that they could wrassle' one of their buddies.

Recommend? Deep down inside don't we all want a strong pair of arms to hold us through the night???

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Movie : Wall-E

How can a movie where 95% of the dialog is:




"Eeeeeeee-vah!" so damn good? This is how.

Recommend? YES. The best the best the best the best the best.