Monday, December 30, 2013

favorite coen brothers movies

Inside Llewyn Davis: A (great!)
A Serious Man: A+ (best!)
The Big Lebowski: A+
Raising Arizona: A
Blood Simple: A

also this past weekend:
Suspicion (1941): B- (not the best Hitchcock movie but still fun - lame ending)
Jane Eyre (1943): A

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

forgot one

from a couple months back:
Spring Breakers: A (pretty good!)

from this past weekend:
The Godfather 2: B
新天龙八部之天山童姥: B+ started out pretty confusing but got pretty good. typical Louis Cha warring kung fu factions stuff, with Gong Li vs Brigitte Lin!

next weekend (edit on 12-23):
Elysium: C (neat special effects, etc, but the plot was super dumb and the logical problems were glaring. is LA the only city left on earth? does living in outer space make you completely retarded?)

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Frankenstein Conquers the World (フランケンシュタイン対地底怪獣バラゴン): B+ (pretty good!)
Man of Steel: C (much better than i expected. special effects were good *except* in the over-the-top violence, where they just made everything look like it was made out of confetti rubber. also, some severely idiotic logical problems.)