Monday, March 22, 2010

TV Show: Life On Mars

NOTE: This review is for the BBC show; there was an American version, which flopped after 1 season and is supposed to be fookin' terrible.

Quotes from show:
"You have amnesia, Sam."
"I'm in a coma, Frank."

Yes, I do! Unless I'm in a coma, in which case, my future sensibilities my not recommend this. Unless I'm not in a coma, and it really is which case, maybe I recommend it. Unless I have amnesia. But what if I'm a time traveler?

1 comment:

Travis Payne said...

jenn and i watched this show a few years back loved it to death. i never gave the american version a chance cause harvey keitel really didn't appeal to me as the chief.
i cant remember how far we were into this but think it was pretty great.