Monday, April 25, 2005

Review Months : April, 2005

April 2005 just does not seem to be a good month for reviews. I'm not saying the few reviews that have been posted are bad! I'm just saying that it doesn't appear that many movies are being watched, books are being read, things are being done, or songs are being heard. Maybe this is because Spring is here? Or perhaps because school is ending?

Recommend? Well, you may want to hold off until May, when I'm sure the reviews will be plentiful and... plentiful.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Mmm, it may be that school ending thing for some of us. Just one more week, one week... And then it's movies, books, and video game time, with music healthily peppered throughout, like jelly beans that are peppered places. Fairs maybe, or circuses. Or ancient enchanted forests that are hard to pick your way back from. But then the jelly beans wouldn't be peppered, but rather trailed. Oh, these beans lead back to old beans. Hmmm. What's that stinking, pulsating meat-like sack in the path? Oh my... BONK!