Sunday, July 3, 2005

Movie: White Noise

If you want horror with Michael Keaton, go see Pacific Heights or Multiplicity, Pacific Heights cuz it's genuinely creepy and multiplicity because Michael Keaton is playing quadruplets (who the hell knows, I never actually saw it because the concept was too unpleaseant and scary). However, as White Noise goes, the movie is pretty creepy at times, kind of like the Ring with a few really good seen and a couple of really interesting questions. However, none of this ever goes anywhere, all the good and interesting questions are barely addressed, and the ending is abrupt and disappointing. However, the movie isn't exactly bad either, since most of what's on the screen isn't bad, just not enough (except the ending which is kind of bad). However, the however also howevers the however, leaving the however feeling however and however.

Do I recommend: not really, but its also not bad if you like having fun that leaves you feeling vaguely disappointed. However. However.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I kinda wanted see this. Maybe I still do. But, then again...