Friday, May 26, 2006

Book : The captain is out to lunch and the sailors have taken over

The book is a fucking laugh riot, it's the journal of an old curmudgin. I laughed so hard at some of the parts of the book cause hey I have thought some of these things at one point an time. One of the many funny parts is where he began the sentance by " I should clip my toe nails but I just don't have the time gottta get to the track. Damn they hurt and I know I gotta clip them....."I probably did some ad libing there but hey. On the bonus side it has some illustraitions by R. Crumb.

Final note The book is really good and also I heard that theirs a song about the author Charles Burkowski( not to sure on the spelling)

P.S. I know this is off of the intent of this site but you guys should check out youtube and search robot chicken cause the made fun of ff7 and lots of other things.... just a great friggin show from the guys who do family guy.

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