Sunday, May 14, 2006

The R. Crumb Hand Book

First a big shout to Murf for inviting me onto here!!!
Well I was a bit unsure what to post about but this is a great thing I think everyone should know about. This little book was a great find for anyone has a one point an time been into collecting comics. Robert Crumb is considered the grand father of the indie comic.
First cool feature the book comes with a free sample cd of his band that he has, the band plays a lot of traditional tunes e.g. in the pines' and some other old timey song mixed in with some of their own.
The book is mainly about his thoughts and telling about his influences which span from his older brother to some of the old school comic artist and pop culture. He also talks about his perversions and what he thinks about his over all life. A cool thing is the book has some samples of the various comics that he did. His work is fairly deep in subject matter and also some of it really pushes the boundaries for being shocking back during the time it came out in.

Verdict: The book was a great read for anyone wanting to learn about R. Crumb and get a chance to look at some of his work. I believe that his work really influenced a lot of the way people viewed what you could make a comic book about. I can see his influences in Jthm, squee, south park, and lots of modern cartoons and comics.
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