Thursday, March 3, 2005

Movie : The Crime of Padre Amaro

This movie was OK, I suppose. I mean, I finished it.

This movie should be renamed "Padre Amaro: Worst Priest Ever, Along with his Boss, The Other Worst Priest." This movie is about a young idealistic priest in Mexico who comes to a new diocese which is corrupt. He uncovers corruption, and then gets a girl who looks to be about 15 pregnant. Then he coerces her into getting an abortion, and she bleeds to death in his truck. Then he blames it all on her ex-boyfriend. While watching the movie, I thought it was pretty lame, but now that I've summarized it, I realize it was badass. The new title should be "Padre Amaro: One Badass Priest Who's Stepping Out on the Hos."

Reccomend? Well maybe so! But then again, maybe not.


Michael said...

This review was the opposite of vague! Ha ha ha...

Murf said...

Wow, what an excellent review. At first, I thought I was going to be warned against the movie, and then I might have been prompted to go see the movie! A rollercoaster of emotions, this review kept me up all night!

Recommend? YES. Hands down the best review of March so far.