Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Book : Kafka on the Shore, by Haruki Murakami

Is Haruki Murakami one of the coolest writers on the planet? He gets my f*cking vote. Oh, this book is cool. Set in Japan in modern day. A young boy runs away from home. Mystery ensues. The characters ate a lot, and it was all Japanese food that sounded good, and it made me want to eat Japanese food. After a particular chapter, I was forced to make rice, Miso soup, and some teriyaki salmon. It was delicious.

Recommend? Yes! Murakami is cooler than me, and I must. Also, I recommend (even more so) Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. But this one is also good. So is A Wild Sheep Chase and Norwegian Wood. He's a smooth Japanese cat.

1 comment:

Andrew Najberg said...

Dude - you left out the talking cats! I can't believe Murakami rocks hard enough that he pulls off a talking cat subplot!