Monday, May 23, 2005

Movie : Life Aquatic

Stop what you are doing and listen to me if you are interested in hearing about a good show! Life Aquatic is brilliant, with amazing special effects (hooray for a rebirth in clay-mation!), a supurb cast, and so much passion it will pop your eyeballs out. It is a tale of revenge and rediscovery. It is a swashbuckling adventure! It has a soundtrack of David Bowie songs played on guitar with lyrics in Portuguese that don't really even match the original lyrics!

Recommend? Of course! I bought this movie, and you should too.


Michael said...

I am ashamed. I am a Wes Anderson nut, and have not seen this one. Oh! I have shamed you, Wes. But seriously, why haven't I seen this? Rushmore is one of the best movies ever, and Royal Tennanbaums (sp?) was damned fine. Oh!

Andrew said...

i thought that the Royal Tenenbaums (sp?) was one of the most boring movies i've ever had to sit through six hours of at an otherwise nice movie theater.