Saturday, May 28, 2005

Beer : Arrogant Bastard Ale

Man! This bastard is arrogant for a reason, and it's not the giant bottle it comes in. At 2% more alcohol than your standard domestic beers, this beer packs a punch! One bottle of this was enough to loosen my juice and ease into rocking gear. Add one more beer and you're out on the smoothness highway, cruising with beer-wind a-blowin' in your hair as you ease into fifth and slide towards the sweet spot of the zone of goodness. Today, my Miller Genuine Draft seems much less sweet, though. Damn you, Arrogant Bastard.

Recommend? Hells yeah. But it's not for beer-sissies. No sir.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

that sounds like something i have to buy! i've seen it at the big beer store, but have never bought it. i suppose this pushes me over the edge. i'll report back in a couple of days.